Restricted Weapons

Restricted firearms

11 firing points,  standing position shooting
• 7-15-25 yards

Documents to become a member:
• Valid possession and acquisition license (PAL)
• Successful and valid BILL 9 competency test
• If the BILL 9 competency test was passed more than a year ago, you must have your valid shooting club membership card and proof of shooting visit during the year. Please note that if you haven’t fired in the year and your club membership card is still valid you can bring your restricted weapons and make your annual shooting visit on the day you join.

Our membership cards are for restricted weapon holders only, it does not include access to the field for non-restricted weapons.


To become a member, you must arrive between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. during our opening hours, see schedule page.


Limited membership card

  • $ 150.00 + taxes.
  • With this membership you receive a tracking card which gives you 2 free entries and 10 entries at 10.00 $.

Unlimited membership card

  • $ 250.00 + taxes.
  • No additional costs during the year.

Family Limited membership card

  • $ 200.00 + taxes.
  • With this membership you receive a tracking card which gives you 2 free entries and 10 entries at 10.00 $.
  • For 2 members of the same family with a Possession and Acquisition License.

Unlimited Family membership card

  • $ 300.00 + taxes.
  • No additional costs during the year.
  • For 2 members of the same family with a Possession and Acquisition License.

One-day membership card

  • $ 26.09 + taxes.
  • You are a member of another shooting club in Quebec but you wish to come and practice occasionally at our club.
  • Maximum of 2 guests allowed with one-day membership access.
  • Required documents:
    1- Possession and acquisition permit
    2- Valid membership card of your club


  • $ 13.05 + taxes.
  • Persons without a possession and acquisition license who come to practice target shooting under the supervision of a member.

Avez-vous un permis d'arme à feu PPA et vos armes ?

Si vous n'avez pas vos armes/votre permis d'armes à feu

Do you have a firearms License PAL and your weapons?

If you do not have your firearms/firearms licence